taking decisions for the future PUQPG57

Where we stand

Organizations need to have an awareness of trends, and in turn adjust and holistically improve themselves to ensure projects, products, and  company’s culture benefit. These interesting statistics, along with my commentary below each statistic, reflect highlight some of the trends and issues companies face today.

Also, thanks to our sources for collecting these marvelous data.

Let’s get to it!

  • 90% of companies said that open source software increased efficiency, interoperability, and innovation. Use of open source software increased at 65% of companies since 2016. (Source: Black Duck Software)

Having a great team and experienced people is fundamental to create and implement products/projects using open source tools. Also, open sourcing your products is a great way to advance features and improve quality.

  • Managing project costs (49.5%) was the biggest problem faced by project managers in 2017. Hitting deadlines (45.8%) and sharing information across teams (43.9%) weren’t far behind.
    (Source: Liquid Planner)

Management & leadership remain fundamental to success! Don’t be a boss, be a leader!

  • 59% of U.S. workers say communication is their team’s biggest obstacle to success, followed by accountability (29%).
    (Source: Atlassian)

As leaders we need to foster communications, make everyone feel comfortable sharing their opinions and hold people accountable. A team with no accountability and lack of communication is a recipe for failure.

  • 50% of team members are motivated more by team success than by the company’s (27%) or individual’s (23%) personal goals. (Source: Atlassian)

This is the classic situation of growing the pie, everyone benefits! Having a motivated, high performance team elevates everyone else. As we say in soccer, who complains when we win the game?

 This is a warning to everyone wanting to implement IT Projects. Before moving forward make sure it “works on paper”, your process must be robust and makes sense. A bad process on paper is still a bad process once goes to the computer.

  • 70% of organizations have suffered at least one project failure in the past 12 months (Source: hive.com)

 Failure is more common than you might think and that is ok! Quoting Alfred Pennyworth, “We fall, so we can learn to pick ourselves up.”

This is just an initial snapshot of current trends, and by no means this list is final. As a matter of fact, if anyone has any other statistics, please chime in!

What are your thoughts on what was shared here? Any surprises?

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